RFP 24009 - Cisco Phone Renewal

Fort Zumwalt RFP 24009 - Cisco Phones is a project to purchase License and Support Renewals for use with Cisco communications equipment throughout the Fort Zumwalt School District.

RFP 24009 - Bid Closed

The following vendors submitted a bid response for RFP 24009 within the designated window:

Thanks for your responses.  All bid documentation will be reviewed and a recommendation made for authorization of purchase.

RFP Documentation for download


Important Dates to Know

RFP Issue Date - May 13, 2024

RFP Inquiries Due - 3:00pm (CST)  June 3, 2024

All Questions will be answered on this page by - 3:00pm (CST)  June 4, 2024

RFP Submissions Due - 3:00pm (CST)  June 7, 2024

Board of Education Meeting for approval - June 17, 2024

Questions and Answers

All questions must be submitted in writing to technologybids@fz.k12.mo.us.  Questions through phone calls and messages to other accounts will not be accepted.